Two Thousand Twenty

2020 (MMXX) is a leap year, which starts on Wednesday, January 1st. However, events happening earlier this year are not how people want to begin their 2020. Since the start of January, tragedies such as natural disasters, war, accident, occurred in most of the world. At the end of the first month, something much more terrible appeared in China and spread all over the world, which later is known as Covid-19 disease.
Here is the timeline of the events which shook the world in early 2020:
Jan 02: Australia declared a state of emergency due to the wildfire, which killed nearly 500 animals.
Jan 03: A US drone struck one Iraqi airport, killing a top Iranian army commander. The world worried it might be the beginning of the next World War.
Jan 07: 50 people were killed in a stampede while attending a funeral of the Iranian army commander, who was killed by a US drone.
Jan 08: Iran fired missiles into US bases in Iraq, injuring many American soldiers.
Jan 08: A Ukrainian plane crashed after taking off from Tehran airport, killing everyone on board. Later, the Iranian government accepted responsibility for the cause. People went on strike, demanding the government step down.
Jan 21: World Health Organization hosts an urgent assembly regarding the new virus outbreak found in China. The virus was known as Novel Corona Virus (2019-nCoV), originated in Wuhan, China. It was later given an official name as Covid-2019 (Corona Virus Disease 2019).
Jan 27: First confirmed case of Covid-19 found in Cambodia. The patient was a Chinese tourist traveling from Wuhan, China, the center of the epidemic.


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