2019 in a nutshell

A lot of things had happened in the previous year. At the beginning of 2019, I took a trip to China with my girlfriend, which taught me a lot about this country and its people. In February, I started my first proper Thai language class together with my girlfriend, which I ended in May while she continues studying until now. In April, I took a beginner French language class at Institut Francais Cambodge; I am doing Niveau A1.4 now. June marked the first anniversary of my grandmother passing away as well as the second anniversary of my other grandmother, my grandmother's sister; therefore, a ceremony was undertaken by our family. July is my birth month; also, the first time I decided to apply for government work but failed. In November, I was so delighted to get my dream car, a 2020 Lexus RX, from my dad. Last but not least, in December, it happened to be one of the most significant events in my life. I got engaged to my girlfriend, which made us fiance and fiancee.


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