Can't Take It Anymore

After almost a month of staying here in the United States, I hardly bear the sadness and loneliness. The living environment is quite new to me to stand by myself. I know everything is hard at first and will get better in the future, but there are a bunch of things really pushing me down.
First, living alone is very hard for me since I am not so sociable. I found it hard to make friends, and most importantly, there is not anyone I study with share the same age as me. Most of them are professionals who have already work in the field with such experience, and some already have a family. I used to live with my family who I always share the happiness and sadness together. Now I am living alone, I have no one to talk to or consult whenever I feel so down.
Second, I lose appetite. Despite the facts that I used to eat Western food back in my home country, having not eaten Cambodian food really makes me lose appetite.
Third, the weather is not what I expected. Before applying to coming here, I was told this place is very hot. It could be up to 40-degree plus Celsius (around 110 to 115 Fahrenheit), yet I came in winter season which the temperature is as low as 8-degree Celsius.
Lastly, I am not ready to take the course yet. It can be my fault for not doing a deep research about what I am going to study, and what sectors are included in my field. The course I am taking covers not only the architecture and design but also policies, finance, economics, Maths, statistics, and others which I have no clue about. Also, having started in Spring instead of Fall, I miss some foundation classes which makes me hard to catch them with other students.
Being able to come here is a great chance for me to further my education; however, coming here without ease and enough preparation ends me up in trouble now and in the future. I feel like I should take a break from now to learn more before coming back here again.


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