Angkor Sankranta 2017

Angkor Sankranta is a Khmer New Year Celebration organized by the Union of Youth Federation of Cambodia (UYFC), and this year marks its Fifth Anniversary of Celebration. I have volunteered in this event twice, one in 2013 and another in 2014. Somehow, after two years of non-participating, this year I decided to join as a visitor.
My trip took off from Phnom Penh on April 13th early in the morning, and arrived in Siem Reap around three in the afternoon before settling down in an uptown boutique hotel called Your Place. The hotel was quite new since its construction has just been finished early this month, yet amenities such as pool, bar, restaurant, and free Wifi have already been equipped. After checking in, I went for a short visit to Angkor Wat before returning back to the hotel for dinner. I had pizza, fries, and local food for dinner. I had so much fun swimming in the hotel pool with my siblings and cousins who also came to Siem Reap; however, we ended the day with a short visit to Pub Street before going to bed.
Waking up around seven in the morning, I started the day with a breakfast before joining the Angkor Sankranta which was held in front of Angkor Wat and in Angkor Thom.


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